Interesting stuff, weird creationist edition (May 2018)

And we’re back with a renamed version of the ‘interesting stuff elsewhere’ posts, May 2018 edition. I’ve dropped the ‘elsewhere’ part so I can include my own space, and I might be a bit late. But like someone once said, in some cases it’s better to be late than pregnant…

The picture is the hand of Campanula climbing over the  quay wall in the port of Antwerp. You can make up your own story about that…

Interesting stuff here:
I wrote a post about hell for the renewed synchroblog: The problem of those unable to Love, or the question of hell as a reality and I reflected on the scary incel-movement: Sexual entitlement, Involuntary celibacy, porn and losing your humanity

One of my songs is included in The Co-Op Communique Volume 4, a free compilation, which is a very interesting project that I might blog about myself later. Go and check which one it is, and check out the other 54 (!) songs, some of which are quite good.

I didn’t post my recipe for thistle soup yet. I might later.

A new plant for me that I saw here in Antwerp, Polycarpon tetraphyllum, kransmuur in Dutch and four-leaved allseed in English, new species in this part of Europe.

Stuff elsewhere:

The extraordinary life and death of the world’s oldest known spider 43 years, and killed by a parasite before it could reach old age

Is Capitalism Itself a New God That’s Devouring the Planet? written from a chaos magick paradigm but very interesting nonetheless. It’s on ultraculture, so watch out for people trying to sell you a chaos magick course.

The Paradox of Progressive Political Theology on experimental theology

A Scientist Sat Through an Entire Flat-Earther Convention. Here’s What He Learned. The Flat Earth society is fascinating and terrifying, and might be a subject for a later blogpost here too. This is a very interesting inside view of the movement.

Jean-Paul Sartre’s bad mescaline trip led to the philosopher being followed by imaginary crabs for years. This one makes one ask weird questions about tulpas and the opening of the sixth sense for astral creatures and such.

The price of public shaming in the Internet age

Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study

A debate over plant consciousness is forcing us to confront the limitations of the human mind

A fasinating series on creationism and ostriches on the natural historian:
Consider the Ostrich: Job 39 and God’s Commentary on His Creation
Consider the Ostrich—Comparing Theistic Models of Biological Origins
The Prelapsarian Ostrich: Paradise Lost or Portrait of a Good Creation?
Consider the Ostrich: Literal-Day Creationists Unsure about the Ostrich’s Created Condition

The Dark Side of Young Earth Creationism, Jack Chick like cartoon tract that might be a bit over the top but makes some interesting point about the current batch of proponents of YEC like Ken Ham.

One of my favourite Franco-Belgian comics has finally been translated into English last year: Yoko Tsuno: The Titans The original French version and Dutch translation are from 1978, so better late than…

Consider the Ostrich: Literal-Day Creationists Unsure about the Ostrich’s Created Condition

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